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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Comics I Read: Amazing Super Powers dot com

I discovered this comic a while ago, then it got lost amongst my links, but I recently found it again. The drawing style is solid and distinctive in the manner not necessarily in the way that it's like nothing you've seen before, but in the way that you can immediately tell what comic you are reading. That might not seem that important, but I think that it's really a crucial part of having your own comic. Additionally, the humor is quite similar to mine own. Looking through the comics, I felt surprised that I hadn't come up with some of the same ideas. A particular favorite is this twist on Dr. Strangelove.
Oddly enough, one of my favorite parts of the site is the FAQ section. It is handled very well with just the right amount of sincerity and sarcasm. Maybe it's a weird thing to compliment, but I really like it.
In conclusion, you should check out Amazing Super Powers dot com, updated on Mondays and Thursdays.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My List of the Best Things in Life
- Hall & Oates
- Waking up to find your first class is canceled and that you can go back to sleep for another hour-and-a-half
- Sour Watermelon Slices
- Your kiss
- Granny Smith apples
- People who get this reference
Monday, April 21, 2008
Big Day
Today is a big day, ladies and gentlemen. A day I have been looking forward to for some time. When one now searches "not from concentrate" on Google, this comic is the top result! It has been my goal to beat Florida's Natural's page describing the difference between juice from concentrate and juice not from concentrate, but I never really thought it would happen. I'm so excited. I just want to say thanks for all of you readers who made this happen. It's awesome and you're awesome.Additionally, I have added a Frequently Asked Questions section to the "About" page. If there is more you want to know. Send me an email and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to also see the question added to the FAQ, just send your email multiple times, then I'll have to post it.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Comics I Enjoy: Jon Lajoie
So this week is not your typical comic. This week I'm interpreting "comic" to mean comedian, and boy is this one a doozy. John Lajoie is a Canadian funny man whom I found on YouTube. I guess the best thing about Lajoie's style of humor, other than being incredibly funny, is the honesty in his material. His best work are the numerous songs which are incredibly catchy, but he also produces other funny short videos. Below I have embedded his most recent song: "Sunday Afternoon".He'll post new videos on a pretty regular basis (about once or twice a month). Here's a link to his where you can see the rest of his videos. Additionally, here's a link to his website where you can download free mp3s of the songs he has written.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tiny Text
I don't know about you, but whenever I see a drawing or movie with papers in it, I always wonder how authentic the text on that paper is. In drawings in particular, it is sometimes hard to decipher whether or not the artist even actually used text or just made scribbles. Well, in today's comic I had what I will now refer to as "tiny text." On a scale of 1 to 10 on legit-ness, I'd say my "tiny text" was about a 7. It was actual text and it even formed flowing sentences, but none of it had to do with any of the headlines seen. In actuality, I had taken the text from my short essay on environmental determinism that I wrote as part of my take-home midterm for my environmental history class.If you would like to know more about environmental determinism and its effects on the way environmental historians view the past, shoot me an email and we can discuss.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Watch the Creation of a Comic: Contribution to Society
On a sidenote: Today's comic marks 250 comics!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Comics I Read: Buttersafe

This week's choice is Buttersafe. I first discovered this comic through an ad that was placed on my site. Wanting to see exactly what I would be advertising, I clicked on the ad and was pleasantly surprised. The comic, published on Tuesdays and Thursdays, has become one I check out on a regular basis. The jokes varies much from comic to comic (even more so than I do), and the style and format are rarely the same. (A fair amount of the variety can be attributed to the fact that the comic is the creation of two different authors: Raynato Castro and Alex Culang) Pretty much the only thing that is consistent is the funny. I particularly enjoyed a recent comic titled Cake Heaven.
I have no idea why it is called Buttersafe. Perhaps it is a reference to a vault made of butter? ... Although I wouldn't feel very confident placing my valuables inside of one. No matter what it's called, I find it to be pretty funny, and give it my hearty recommendations.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Comics I Read: Thinkin' Lincoln

I have to keep this week's entry short because I have to work on a paper, but you should be sure to check out Thinkin' Lincoln.