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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Comics I Read: Buttersafe

This week's choice is Buttersafe. I first discovered this comic through an ad that was placed on my site. Wanting to see exactly what I would be advertising, I clicked on the ad and was pleasantly surprised. The comic, published on Tuesdays and Thursdays, has become one I check out on a regular basis. The jokes varies much from comic to comic (even more so than I do), and the style and format are rarely the same. (A fair amount of the variety can be attributed to the fact that the comic is the creation of two different authors: Raynato Castro and Alex Culang) Pretty much the only thing that is consistent is the funny. I particularly enjoyed a recent comic titled Cake Heaven.
I have no idea why it is called Buttersafe. Perhaps it is a reference to a vault made of butter? ... Although I wouldn't feel very confident placing my valuables inside of one. No matter what it's called, I find it to be pretty funny, and give it my hearty recommendations.
Hey, I found your strip through and I think it's a riot. Congrats, by the way, cuteoverload has a huge following. I wrote a lil blog post about it, too, hope you don't mind.
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