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Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Obligatory Kool-Aid Joke

In the past couple of years it appears to have become incredibly popular to make jokes at the expense of the Kool-Aid Man. The cartoon character has a profound effect on the people of my generation that borders on obsession. What has caused this phenomenon? Is it because he's a Jesus metaphor? Well... lets look at what we know:
1) Kool-Aid starts as water and then is transformed into a red drink.
2) The Kool-Aid Man gives of himself, to his own detriment, for the greater benefit of others.
3) He has a devout following that calls on him when in need.
I'll admit that I'm reaching, but I think these are some odd coincidences...
And, while it may be sacreligious, I was alway more persuaded by the Metallic Liquid People from the Capri-Sun commercials. Those guys were badass.
Actually, my top five heroes as a kid were #1 Optimus Prime, #2 Jesus, #3 Leader-1 (and I KNOW I'm not alone on that one!), #4 Fat Albert (who dressed just like Optimus Prime) and #5 Kool-Aid Man (who resembled both Prime and Fat Albert). I even had the comic book starring Kool-Aid Man. His weakness was dehydration from sunlight.
I feel like dehydration from the sunlight would be the thing Kool-Aid Man would be fighting against because he's always there to refresh the kids. It'd be like having Superman's weakness be Lex Luthor.
Actually, Kool Aid man is quite famous because of the suicide cult. Look it up.
Hate to darken the mood.
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