Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Obligatory Kool-Aid Joke

In the past couple of years it appears to have become incredibly popular to make jokes at the expense of the Kool-Aid Man. The cartoon character has a profound effect on the people of my generation that borders on obsession. What has caused this phenomenon? Is it because he's a Jesus metaphor? Well... lets look at what we know:
1) Kool-Aid starts as water and then is transformed into a red drink.
2) The Kool-Aid Man gives of himself, to his own detriment, for the greater benefit of others.
3) He has a devout following that calls on him when in need.

I'll admit that I'm reaching, but I think these are some odd coincidences...
And, while it may be sacreligious, I was alway more persuaded by the Metallic Liquid People from the Capri-Sun commercials. Those guys were badass.


Blogger BlueNight said...

Actually, my top five heroes as a kid were #1 Optimus Prime, #2 Jesus, #3 Leader-1 (and I KNOW I'm not alone on that one!), #4 Fat Albert (who dressed just like Optimus Prime) and #5 Kool-Aid Man (who resembled both Prime and Fat Albert). I even had the comic book starring Kool-Aid Man. His weakness was dehydration from sunlight.

March 30, 2008 10:56 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

I feel like dehydration from the sunlight would be the thing Kool-Aid Man would be fighting against because he's always there to refresh the kids. It'd be like having Superman's weakness be Lex Luthor.

March 31, 2008 8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Kool Aid man is quite famous because of the suicide cult. Look it up.
Hate to darken the mood.

April 10, 2008 4:57 AM  

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