Suggestion Box
This post is to help me gauge what you guys feel is lacking in the site. What I should do, what I should stop doing? Just any sort of feedback would be great so that I can make your visits here more enjoyable.
© 2008 Thomas Dobrosielski. All rights reserved.
Dude you're hilarious. I laugh so much at your comics every day that milk comes out of my nose and I die of dehydration. Continue to make comics that cause me to scare other people when I randomly laugh!
Thanks! I'm glad that the death by dehydration is only a temporary thing, otherwise I'd lose a faithful reader.
Also, when I was about 8 yrs old, I once sprayed half of McDonalds with Hi-C Orange Drink from my nose because my brother made me laugh really hard playing with a Happy Meal toy. It was gross.
You comic has got to be the funniest one I've read in a while, much better than the one it is paired with in the Diamondback (Nut Butter, or something). I would even go so far as to say your work rivals that of some nationally syndicated comics.
I only wish there was an add-on for my iGoogle page that let me get a daily dose of your funniness (similar to the "Garfield of the Day", only yours would be ten times better - scratch that, one billion times better). Keep up the awesome work.
i love your comics. I also love your drawing style. Simplistic bodies & features but, lots of detail in the expression in the face. I do think you need a thing were your comics are e-mailed to me or an add-on.
Thanks for the feedback. I've started looking into the iGoogle stuff, but will need to see if I can make it so the comics appear at a size where you can read them.
I don't know about getting the comics emailed to you, though. Do have any examples of other webcomics that do something similar so I can see. I'm afraid if it were something where I'd be responsible to send them out I'd forget. But if it were a system I could set up, I'd be more likely to something with it.
i'd love it you made a rss feed for your comics. seems like the only thing you are really "lacking" to me ;)
great comics by the way. and i love the simplistic, clean, and pretty layout of the site :)
about the email thing:
if you do end up creating a rss feed there are plenty of sites/tools that people can use to get an email of the latest update rather than checking a feed reader.
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