Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Comics I Enjoy: Jon Lajoie

So this week is not your typical comic. This week I'm interpreting "comic" to mean comedian, and boy is this one a doozy. John Lajoie is a Canadian funny man whom I found on YouTube. I guess the best thing about Lajoie's style of humor, other than being incredibly funny, is the honesty in his material. His best work are the numerous songs which are incredibly catchy, but he also produces other funny short videos. Below I have embedded his most recent song: "Sunday Afternoon".

He'll post new videos on a pretty regular basis (about once or twice a month). Here's a link to his where you can see the rest of his videos. Additionally, here's a link to his website where you can download free mp3s of the songs he has written.


Blogger Brian Wu said...

I love your stuff. Best comic in the diamondback ... actually best part in the diamondback!

Keep up the awesome work!

April 17, 2008 6:45 AM  

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