Friday, May 16, 2008

New Comic Tomorrow

I know in a previous post I said I would have another comic for Friday, but I haven't had the time to complete it because of studying. I'll finish it Friday night and will definitely have it posted by Saturday. I apologize for not having it when I said I would.

Additionally, I am aware the RSS feed isn't working properly, but again finals are coming first. I'll try to have it back as soon as possible.

OK. Last part... Maybe it's that it's 3am, maybe it's because I've been studying for hours, but this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen/heard. I just stared
at my computer and laughed for about a solid minute.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It took two goddamn days of dealing with the damn webhosting site, but the site is up again.

Digg, thou art a double-edged sword... that was shoved up my ass.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Plans for Next Week and Beyond

Starting next week the schedule is going to start to change. It is the
end of the semester and The Diamondback will no longer be needing daily comics until the start of the fall semester. Fear not, Not From Concentrate will go on in the meantime, just at a slower pace.

May 12-16 will feature 4 new comics appearing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. (This corresponds with the three remaining Diamondback publications as well as a bonus for Friday).

May 19-23 will unfortunately have no new comics. I have final exams and
anything I would create during this period would be bad anyways.

May 26- August 29 is the summer. My current plan for this time is to have two new comics every week published on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Additionally I will try to post more things to the blog including doodles, sketches, and things of the like to make up for the decreased amount of actual comics. There's one additional plan for the summer, but I'm not quite ready to announce it yet.

Starting September 2nd the, regular publishing schedule of 5 comics a week will resume.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Comics I Read: Brewster Rockit- Space Guy!

This is one of the few syndicated strips that I read with any regularity. In fact, it is one of two that are currently producing new strips (I will always read Peanuts; probably til the day I die). I am happy that this sci-fi parody has been able to find mainstream success and hope that it continues to appear in the newspaper for a long time to come. The type of humor you will find throughout this strip is reminiscent of Futurama and is usually very consistent. So be sure to check out , cause if we don't support the few good syndiated strips only horrible things can happen. That's right, I'm looking at you Mary Worth!
© 2008 Thomas Dobrosielski. All rights reserved.