Thursday, May 8, 2008

Comics I Read: Brewster Rockit- Space Guy!

This is one of the few syndicated strips that I read with any regularity. In fact, it is one of two that are currently producing new strips (I will always read Peanuts; probably til the day I die). I am happy that this sci-fi parody has been able to find mainstream success and hope that it continues to appear in the newspaper for a long time to come. The type of humor you will find throughout this strip is reminiscent of Futurama and is usually very consistent. So be sure to check out , cause if we don't support the few good syndiated strips only horrible things can happen. That's right, I'm looking at you Mary Worth!


Blogger Debbie said...

I am absolutely in love with your comic, I just want you to know that.

You must rock pretty hard. I don't want to sound crazy or like a stalker, but I wish we could be best friends.

May 11, 2008 6:11 PM  

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