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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Background Info on Making Comics and Check Out the "About" Section

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Suggestion Box
This post is to help me gauge what you guys feel is lacking in the site. What I should do, what I should stop doing? Just any sort of feedback would be great so that I can make your visits here more enjoyable.Monday, February 18, 2008
Check out the sexy new format for the blog. Makes me wish I updated it more...You may have also noticed an increase in those little ad boxes. Unfortunately the site costs money, and being as (insert not having money cliché)... the ads are necessary. Plus they're a part of this crazy cycle where: the money gotten from the ads goes towards putting my own ads on other people's sites so that site exposure and the number of viewers go up, thusly increasing the value of ad space, which increases the amount of ads I can have, further increasing exposure and the number of readers, and so on... The whole purpose of this is to get the most amount of people reading Not From Concentrate and me (hopefully) spreading smiles like jam on toast.
(I'm not entirely sure if that simile works... )