Monday, March 31, 2008

Strangest Response to My Comic Ever?

I'm sure many of you are familiar with StumbleUpon, but for those not in the know: it's an add-on for your browser that allows you to rate websites (thumbs up or thumbs down) and, based on your ratings, will find websites that are likely to interest you when you hit the "Stumble!" button. This is a college student's worst enemy dressed as a friend. An additional ability of StumbleUpon is that when you rate a site, you can also post a small review for others to see. Well, I was looking at some of the review pages that have appeared for comics on my site when I saw a response to last Wednesday's comic (reprinted below)

I'm still not entirely sure how to react, but here's what the response was:

"Or, from my experience, never trust a psycho girlfriend to hold onto the condoms if she says she wants your baby... 2 weeks into the relationship. Holes will be poked." -vanuhitman

I laughed a little at first and then, once the full implications set in, I just sat looking at my computer screen repeating the words, "Oh god..."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Obligatory Kool-Aid Joke

In the past couple of years it appears to have become incredibly popular to make jokes at the expense of the Kool-Aid Man. The cartoon character has a profound effect on the people of my generation that borders on obsession. What has caused this phenomenon? Is it because he's a Jesus metaphor? Well... lets look at what we know:
1) Kool-Aid starts as water and then is transformed into a red drink.
2) The Kool-Aid Man gives of himself, to his own detriment, for the greater benefit of others.
3) He has a devout following that calls on him when in need.

I'll admit that I'm reaching, but I think these are some odd coincidences...
And, while it may be sacreligious, I was alway more persuaded by the Metallic Liquid People from the Capri-Sun commercials. Those guys were badass.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Watch the Creation of a Comic: HSM2

Originally ran in August 2007...

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Ok. Firstly, I freaking love tangrams. I played with these things all the time as a kid. If you don't know what they are, let me refer you to the Wikipedia article.

Secondly, there was an error (on my part) regarding the print version of this comic in the Diamondback today. The version printed is below.

However, I decided I didn't want to have it stretched out. I created a new and, in my opinion, far superior version seen below.

I liked the idea that it would be possible for people to do more with the comic than just read it. The trouble was when I sent the revised version of the comic to Diamondback production, I accidentally attached the wrong comic. Thusly, the preferred version went unseen until know.
I was going to wait a little while until I posted the solutions, but seeing as how you can't manipulate the comic the way I had imagined, I see no point in holding back.

This all turned out much more confusing that I had anticipated...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Comics I Read: Breakfast of the Gods

So, I feel like I should update the blog more often, the only problem is that I can't really think of very much substantial stuff to talk about regarding my comic. Therefore, I decided I would start posting (on a semi-regular basis) webcomics that I read which I think others should check out.

This week I have chosen The series centers around an epic battle between cereal mascots. It is a little difficult for me to explain more without giving anything away, but trust me, this is good. Actually, I would even say that it is far and away the best webcomic I have ever seen. Admittedly, as a heavy cereal eater, I was already predetermined to love this comic. Brendan Douglas Jones, the author, is consistently faithful to the cereal mascots that he includes and deserves high praise for the quality of work he puts forth here. Be warned; this is not light fare. The comic is pretty dark, and requires your time, but, in my opinion, it is certainly worth it. He recently finished the second book of the series and will be taking a well-deserved break before he begins the third.

One of the better things about this comic is that because of the use of licensed characters, there is no way for Jones to make any money off this. Breakfast of the Gods is purely a labor of love for the characters and it shows.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Watch the Creation of a Comic: Puppy

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Watch the Creation of a Comic: Pudding

Since I make my comics using Flash, over last summer I decided to document the creation of some of the comics by inserting a new frame every time I'd make a change. I figured I'd start posting some of the animations in the blog so you can see the process behind making a comic.

RSS Feed!

Hurray! My friend, who pretty much does all of the work on the website and deserves a major amount of thanks (Thanks!), was able to set up a RSS Feed. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

RSS Feed?

So I've gotten three requests today for an RSS feed. I hadn't had any before, but I guess people really felt that Wednesday was the best day to ask. While I don't have an answer for you right now, I just want everyone to know that I'm looking in to it.

I have two midterms tomorrow morning, so I don't have much time for making this a really worthwhile post, but I just wanted to say that the mere interest in something like a RSS feed is very encouraging and I'm glad that people are finding this comic and enjoying it.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Watch the Creation of a Comic: Silly Putty

Since I make my comics using Flash, over last summer I decided to document the creation of some of the comics by inserting a new frame every time I'd make a change. I figured I'd start posting some of the animations in the blog so you can see the process behind making a comic.

© 2008 Thomas Dobrosielski. All rights reserved.