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Monday, June 23, 2008
A Return to Form
So, first, thanks for all of the feedback on the new style. It was just something I was trying out for a little while and it was never planned to be a replacement. That said, the message came in loud and clear: Change it back. Not From Concentrate has been slowly evolving its style over the past two years (yup, it's been two year... give or take a firing and re-hiring) and had found a pretty consistent, clean design. One which I, and apparently everyone else, likes. I had started doing some doodles on the program while trying to think up new ideas and they eventually developed into the comics that appeared over the previous two weeks.But, after a resounding widespread agreement, I can tell you the old style is back and is here to stay. As today's comic shows, the new style has been sent off to obscurity to live with JTT and other icons that have vanished from popularity. On this note: Seriously, WTF, JTT? Where you at? He could have taken over the world in the 1990s. In fact, part of me is convinced that he actually did take over the world. But, seeing that those whom he thought he could trust would betray him, he quickly built a time machine (using his experience from Home Improvement), and convinced himself to abandon his world ambitions and instead live a life out of the public eye.
(I am tired and have absolutely no desire to proofread this posting and therefore apologize for any and all grammar errors).
Friday, June 20, 2008
Illustration Friday: Hoard
So I saw this week's topic while I was at work, and since I didn't really have anything else to do, I decided to work on a submission. Here's what I came up with:Monday, June 16, 2008
Finally... A Post!
So it has officially been a month since I've posted to the blog. This is shameful and downright ungentlemanly and I apologize.In case you've been wondering, I'll quickly rundown what I've been up to over the past 30 days.
Week of May 18th-May24th:
- Finish final exams including writing roughly 25 pages in papers
- Move out of dorm
- Two 8-hr. work days at office
- Saw Indiana Jones
Week of May 25th-May31st:
- Go to younger brother's high school graduation
- Celebrate older brother's birthday while he's in town from Seattle
- New laptop arrives
- Get fitted for tux for wedding of two close friends
- One 8-hr. work day
- Wedding Rehearsal/Rehearsal dinner
Week of June 1st-June 7th
- Wedding
- Sleep
- Go to Bingo where I win $30 and my little brother wins $200
- One 8-hr work day
Week of June 8th-June 14th
- Three 8-hr work days
- Saw The Strangers with a friend
- Celebrate Friday the 13th with cupcakes
- Trip to IKEA!
As for more comic-related news. I have been experimenting with using a different style for the comics (as you probably have noticed) and will continue to do so for a little while just to mix things up a little.
So that's pretty much it. I'll try to make sure to make posts more frequent from now on.